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The Home Buying Experience

There are few things more potent than the feeling of home. Buying a new house is a thrilling event, whether it's your first house or your third. But it can also be a stressful one if you haven't done your homework. Fortunately for you, Coldwell Banker has the experience, the knowledge and the wisdom to help you find your dream house.


The Decision to Sell Your Home

Your home is a huge part of your life, both financially and emotionally. So the decision to sell a house is not one to be made lightly. You need to determine a marketing strategy. Price the house to attract buyer interest. There are a million other details to sort out.


The Home Buying Experience

There are few things more potent than the feeling of home. Buying a new house is a thrilling event, whether it's your first house or your third. But it can also be a stressful one if you haven't done your homework. Fortunately for you, Coldwell Banker has the experience, the knowledge and the wisdom to help you find your dream house.


The Decision to Sell Your Home

Your home is a huge part of your life, both financially and emotionally. So the decision to sell a house is not one to be made lightly. You need to determine a marketing strategy. Price the house to attract buyer interest. There are a million other details to sort out.



Columbia is a city in and the county seat of Maury County, Tennessee, United States.

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The largest city on the state's southern border between Chattanooga and Memphis

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Loretto began as a stagecoach station known as "Glen Rock" in the early 19th century.

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Summertown is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in Lawrence County

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Ethridge began as a railroad stop known as Hudson Springs, which stood a few miles south of the present site of the town

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Spring Hill

Belfast is an unincorporated community in Marshall County, Tennessee, United States.[1] The area ZIP code is 37019.[2]

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The History of Coldwell Banker

The Coldwell Banker brand is the oldest and most established residential real estate franchise system in North America. In fact, in many ways it was the original real estate “start up.”



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The Impact School Districts Have On A Home’s Value

Many factors come into play when purchasing a home. One of the most important considerations is the quality of the local school district, which can have a huge impact on property values. If you’re l…

The Hidden Costs Of Buying A Home

If you’re planning to buy a home, you know that you need to make a down payment and cover some closing costs. However, there might be some additional expenses involved in purchasing a home that you�…

5 Tips For Eco-Friendly Living

Many homeowners are interested in following a green, environmentally sustainable lifestyle. If protecting the environment is important to you, you can start by looking for ways to make your home more…